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Machine learning:
Definition and application

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence in which, with the help of large amounts of data, software systems are able to find laws and solutions to complex problems. With the help of these laws, for example, occurring events can be predicted or states can be recognized. To make this possible, a sufficient amount of data must first be collected about certain systems or processes. Sensors or cameras can be used for this.
The data must then be further processed and evaluated using defined algorithms in order to identify critical parameters and rules. With the help of a created model, the processed data is evaluated and learned on the basis of these relationships.

An exemplary application for machine learning is the prediction of maintenance interventions in systems from current or past status data. As a rule, sensors and / or camera data are used to determine the remaining useful life until maintenance is necessary. With this concept, predictive maintenance concepts can be implemented, which contribute to the optimization of production processes, cost reduction and greater predictability in industry. See also Predictive Maintenance.